Aneres Wholistic Wellness

Living Bravely

with Supportive Connections


I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve been searching for a supportive connection who will respectfully listen and understand.

You’re looking for someone who sees your worth in where you’re at. Someone who’s doing the work. Someone who’s been in the arena, and gets it! Someone you can be open with vulnerabilities, sees and accepts your perceptions.

I’m passionate about empowering other in a massive way, holding them in their process of vulnerability witnessing their transformation and co-creating with them a life they love.

I’ve been on a healing self discovery journey back to myself. After 2 years of getting to know who I am and cultivating self love, I am finally embodying the person I have always wanted to be and I love her wholeheartedly.

A true mentor will see you before you see yourself. They believe in you, encourage you to dig deep and admit your shit. Then they encourage you in finding your voice, values, and vulnerability to share your insight and inspire the masses.

You have the knowledge of what is best for you already in you. Being here demonstrates a strong desire to find a path towards wholistic well-being. As your peer, I help you search for that inner knowledge and feed the hopeful desire by providing trauma-informed value based support.

What a relief it will be to breath again! Imagine feeling driven and living into a life worth living. Together, we will co-create actionable steps designed by you for you in becoming the person you have always wanted to be.

If this sounds like the emotional and practical support you’re looking for, please reach out and book a FREE 1 hour Intro to Self Inquiry session to see if this aligns with your dreams and desires.

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